Dear Colleagues
We would be grateful for your help in providing an update on your acute paediatric service. We are keen to have the most up to date information on services across the region as we know that there have been changes, both on physical capacity and workforce, since we last conducted our PCC ODN survey in 2019, and post the pandemic and respiratory surge. The data you provide will help us establish and share improvements in care delivery, understand where gaps in service provision, education and quality exist and how the Network can collaborate with you to lessen these gaps.
Hopefully you are also aware that STPN are in the process of reviewing the current Level 1 and 2 capacity across the region and scoping the potential to have additional Level 2 beds at some sites. The information that you provide will also help with this work. If you have any questions regarding this please contact us.
You will be pleased to hear that we have shortened the survey for 2022 and hope that completion by your multidisciplinary leadership team (Medical, Nursing, AHP and Education) will not be too onerous.
The questionnaire is split into 8 sections, accessible via the links below. The first “Contact Details” section should be completed by the person coordinating the response. The other seven each cover a separate theme and should each be allocated to a single member of staff.
The deadline for the return of completed questionnaires is Friday the 13th of May, 2022. If data for your services will be delayed beyond this deadline then please contact .
Thank you for continuing to collaborate with us, and for your time in completing the survey.
The STPN Team
Please note that this questionnaire will only work in a modern web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.