Sepsis in Children & Young People

Welcome to June 2022 Always Learning Together 

For this month STPN alongside teams within the network have designed education resources for caring for children and young people who present with Sepsis. 

These resources include: 

  • e-learning package looking at disease processes and applying the sepsis 6 to a case study 
  • A webinar from Sasha Herring (STRS RNP) giving an update on peripheral inotropes 
  • A bitesize teaching package on using 3 way taps in practice 
  • Additional resources to links to guidance and other educational resources 

e-Learning & Webinar

Play Video
Click the image to access an e-learning package for you and your team

Bitesize Teaching Pack

Additional Resources

Log into your ELFH account to access their Sepsis e-learning looking at family experiences (approx 2 hour learning)