Our AHP Clinical Lead

Sammy is the AHP Clinical Lead for the Tony Hudgell Rehabilitation Programme. Sammy is a Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist by professional background, with over 11 years of experience working in paediatrics, including community, in-patient and educational settings.

Sammy’s passion for paediatric rehabilitation has flourished over the course of her personal and professional development. Her knowledge and skills have been developing and consolidating through practice in recent years. Sammy is currently undertaking a Masters degree in Advanced Professional Practice in Neurorehabilitation with Plymouth university.

A Message from Sammy Randall, Project Lead

“Today, the South Thames Paediatric Network publish the final report from phase 1 of the Tony Hudgell Rehabilitation Programme, which examined the Therapy Needs of Children and Young People with Complex Needs Across the South Thames region.

We would like to thank the many parents/carers, young people, professionals and commissioners who provided valuable insights included in this report.

We look forward to supporting the second phase of the programme and are grateful to the Charity, Tony and hisfamily for trusting us with this work, which would not have been possible without their fundraising”.

If you have any questions or comments about this work, please contact Sammy Randall, report author and project lead on england.stpn@nhs.net