The STPN are proud to have been able to host this exciting programme over the last 22 months. The report, commissioned by the Evelina London Charity on behalf of the Tony Hudgell Foundation, outlines the findings from the first phase of a four-year programme, with a focus on children’s community therapy services. It brings together the perspectives of children and young people, parents and carers, service providers and commissioners.

 The findings have revealed that there are a range of issues impacting on children and young people’s access to therapy services and the provision that they receive. The findings are relevant to local, network and national teams and for the planning and delivery of service provision. Recommendations have been made to improve care at all levels of the system. The report is timely, given the challenge to meet clinical need, alongside economic and workforce constraints that are being experienced currently. We would like to thank the many parents and carers, young people, professionals and commissioners who provided valuable insights included in this report. We look forward to supporting the second phase of the programme and are grateful to the Charity, Tony and his family for trusting us with this work, which would not have been possible without their fundraising.

If you have any questions or comments about this work, please contact Sammy Randall, project lead on