Search for welfare rights advice

You can use the advicelocal search tool to identify where your patient’s families can access local advice.

To get started, just enter a postcode and select the advice topic they’re looking for assistance in. The search tool will bring up links to information about their rights, local information and an advice map where you can find details of their nearest independent advice organisations.

Please note: Some organisations do not operate a drop-in/open-door service. Please check the advice agencies website to find out how to access their services (e.g., appointment only/call first).

For advice services that specialise in bereavement, domestic violence, legal issues, or mental health you can use the Turn2us Find an Adviser Tool. You may also find the Turn2us Find an Advisor Tool particularly useful if your patient’s family has accessibility requirements, as they record accessibility features at advice organisations, such as wheelchair access, accessible toilets and interpreters.