Every Wednesday and Thursday throughout September we presented you with webinars from key speakers including NCEPOD, Respiratory Specialist Centres and the Pan-London Ethical Framework to provide you with key information and best practice around the current and future delivery of LTV in CYP.
If you were unable to join us on the day or would just like a refresh your memory, recordings of the webinars are available for you to view below.
This webinar provides an opportunity for listeners to hear about the proposed Pan-Thames LTV model of care, the work of the Pan-London Ventilation Group and the ideal discharge package, plans on improving provision of equipment across the region and an introduction to the Pan-London ethical framework.
NCEPOD have recently published a report which explores the care of children and young people aged 0-24 years receiving long-term ventilation (LTV). The report presents the opinions of service users, parent carers as well as healthcare professionals who have provided peer review of clinical cases. Hear about this national work and shared learning across the country from NCEPOD’s team.